TRiO Program
Student Responsibilities
Our goal is to help each TRiO student be successful academically and socially each semester in ways that
guide you to the next semester and ultimately to graduation! We want to establish a partnership with you and in order for that partnership to be complete, students must take an active role in some of the responsibilities of that relationship. The student responsibilities have been designed to benefit your college success. We understand complicated schedules and know that many of our students have different levels of need. Please reach out to your Retention Specialist to discuss and individualize your partnership and participation strategy with TRiO.
Update Paperwork
At the start of each semester, returning students are asked to complete an Update Form so we know that you have returned to campus and are still planning to use TRiO services. We do not consider you an active TRiO participant until you have completed the update each semester. When you return to campus for either the fall or spring semester, stop by and check in with your Retention Specialist to complete your update.
Grade Checks
A grade check is a single form you will ask your instructors to complete and sign verifying your progress and attendance in each of your classes. The purpose of the grade check is to keep you informed on exactly where you stand in your courses and to help you communicate and build a relationship with your professors. We ask students to complete four grade checks per semester, typically one per month. Grade check deadlines are listed on the TRiO Calendar of Events each semester and are included in the weekly reminder emails from your Retention Specialist one week before they are due.
Pro-tip: Email your instructors at least one week before the grade check is due and let them know you need to verify your grade and attendance with a document that requires their signature. Ask them when they would be available for you to collect that information. You want to build a good relationship with your instructors by being considerate of their time. Typically after the first email, you will know how each instructor prefers to fill out your grade check.
If you miss a grade check, please talk with your Retention Specialist. It is especially important for students on Academic Probation to communicate with TRiO if you are having trouble meeting the terms of your Academic Success Plan to avoid consequences related to university policy.
Monthly Meetings
Plan to meet with your Retention Specialist once per month. We want to see you! You can send us an email to schedule your meeting or come to TRiO. We are flexible to meet with you outside of our office anywhere on campus that is convenient for you. If you have a tight schedule, check the TRiO calendar for events or seminars where you can catch us at Curtis Hall or in the Haskell library for a short check-in just to let us know how your classes are going or if you need any resources!
All SSS students are required to attend the set number of seminars each semester. Depending on the student’s needs the Retention Specialist may make adjustments in the number of required seminars.
TRiO seminars offer academic and life skills information and strategies that will help students from semester to semester. TRiO SSS staff have created the flow of the seminars to meet the needs of the students in accordance with the Educational Pathways Plan and based on data collected from student needs assessments. Five seminars are offered each semester along with other seminar opportunities across campus. Student seminar attendance plays a large role in their overall participation in the program and will be considered when selecting students for travel and event opportunities as well as eligibility for the Grant Aid scholarship funds.
Missed Seminars Process
TRiO wants to ensure access to success seminars for ALL students. Many of our students are parents, athletes, or have work schedules outside of class that prevents them from attending seminars in person. All seminars from the current semester are recorded and posted and are available to students who would like to benefit from the information as well as meet the seminar requirements for active participation in TRiO. Additionally, students will be offered other opportunities to receive participation credit throughout the semester with Pop Up Seminars that include various lectures or campus events. Watch your Haskell email!
Degree Checklists
TRiO students are asked to turn in an updated degree checklist each semester. Each semester, students will have an enrollment meeting with their Academic Advisors and should obtain a copy of an updated degree checklist during the meeting after their class schedules have been designed for the next semester. The TRiO Retention Specialists utilize the degree checklists when meeting with students to help map degree plans and set academic goals.
TRiO Weekly Reminders
Students will receive weekly emails detailing TRiO events, seminars, and other important dates and information for the upcoming week. STUDENTS MUST CHECK THEIR HASKELL EMAIL REGULARLY to stay updated with program activities and requirements.
Active Participation
What are the benefits of being an active participant in Haskell TRiO SSS?
Priority consideration for travel and special events and eligibility for Grant Aid funds.
Grant Aid is a Supplemental Financial Resource awarded to active TRiO participants who meet the following criteria:
√ Financial need of $600 or more (set by DOE) as calculated by the Financial Aid Office.
√ Good academic and social standing and a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or above with no pending incident reports.
√ Priority consideration for students in their first 4 semesters.
√ Active program participation.
How are students evaluated to be considered an active participant?
We look at the following criteria:
√ Update forms completed with Ron or Yosh
√ Grade checks completed (4 per semester).
√ Seminars completed (in person or online).
√ Degree checklist updated.
√ Monthly Meetings with Retention Specialist.
Each opportunity to participate as listed above is considered from BOTH fall and spring semesters. Students who complete these activities are prioritized from the most activities completed to the least completed and are selected for grant aid and travel benefits starting with the most active moving down the list.